Standalone Geolocation (IP, Country, City)

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Standalone Geolocation (IP, Country, City)

I’ve received a few requests for a standalone Geolocation condition (the current condition requires WooCommerce ) Reliable Geolocation needs an alternative API service. There’s a few out there, so my question would be.

How interested are you all in Geolocation?

Do you have a preferred IP Geolocation service to integrate?

Update: This feature is now in the planning phase.

Started Morgan shared this idea


  1. I could definitely use GeoLocation but I do not use WooCommerce. Would be great to check the geolocation when trying to join a membership if the membership is restricted to US residents for example.

  2. I’m very interested in this. There are a few providers, such as MaxMind, but you can also download country IP blocks from various sources and code this yourself. See the links in this discussion:

    However, what I’d really like to do is use [ ] which gives the company details. It also gives the industry and company size, which would be GREAT to customize the content for.

    I’d really like a BYOK option (Bring your own key) for these services, although I *think* that you could implement the country lookups yourself from the downloadable databases I mentioned above, and if you did that then there should be no overhead and this feature could be offered as part of your standard features…….with the option of BYOK to use commercial alternatives.

  3. Thank you Gareth & Nadine!

    Let’s make it happen – I’ll be diving deeper into this from a technical perspective. BYOK will likely be way to go for stage 1.

    For anyone else reading – please keep leaving your feedback, thought and requirements so they can be considered.

    Keen to help me make Geolocation solid? Write to the support page and I’ll be in touch for early testing.

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