Feature Overview
Endless possibilities for use-cases
Build better WordPress sites
- ✅ You’ve never created advanced websites this easily.
- ✅ Dynamic & personalized content with a few clicks.
- ✅ Save money by replacing multiple with our Conditional Blocks plugin.
- ✅ On-going development for the future of WordPress
What’s included
- Our plugin will add visibility rules to any WordPress blocks.
- Supports Full Site Editing (FSE)
- Combine multiple conditions with OR, AND logic
- Integrations with your favorite plugins
See available visibility conditions & how to use them 👇

Custom Conditions API
We have opened up our Condition Builder for developers to create their visibility conditions to use on any WordPress Block.
Create & manage presets across multiple blocks with a few clicks.
Responsive (Screensizes)
Great for creating blocks that are best suited for viewing on mobile, tablet, and desktop.
You can work on your content and save the post/page while keeping the selected blocks hidden from everyone
Logged in users
Great for membership content with Gutenberg blocks! Display blocks for logged-in users only.
User Roles
Set the visibility of WordPress blocks for different User Roles.
Logged out users
Tell logged-out users about the benefits of signing up. Display blocks for logged-out users only.
User Meta Fields
Set the visibility of WordPress blocks based on the metadata of the current user. Support custom user fields.
Date & Time
Date Schedule – Range
Set the visibility of blocks between date ranges. You can schedule content such as banners, events, and notices to appear after a set date. Setting an end date is optional.
Date Schedule – Recurring
Running recurring events? You set blocks to be visible between time frames every day or even for specific weekdays. Mix and match Date Ranges & Recurring Dates to your needs.
Posts & Custom Post Types (CPT)
Post (Includes CPT)
Select individual posts from any Post Type. Perfect for Block Widgets and Full Site Editing.
Post Taxonomy Terms
Change the visibility of WordPress blocks based on whether the currently viewed post has the selected Taxonomy Terms. Also known as Post categories. Full support for Custom Post Types.
Post Type
Use Conditional Blocks Pro to detect if the current post is a specific post type and display unique blocks. Combine with other conditions to narrow down visibility.
Post Archive
Detect if the current page is an Archive. Best used with other Post related conditions.
Post Meta (Custom Fields)
Love creating Reusable Blocks, but need them to be dynamic? Conditionally display blocks based on the metadata of the post/page that visitors are viewing. Post meta fields are also known as Custom Fields.
Server Request
Query Strings (URL Variables)
Great for adding dynamic content to pages based on the URL parameters.
URL Paths
Set the block visibility based on the current URL path. Great for reusable blocks across nested domain paths.
HTTP Cookies
Control the visibility of blocks if browser cookies are present or not. Use it to create dynamic content site-wide.
Domain Referers
Running a Twitter promotion? No problem! Great for displaying content for people who are coming from your link on third-party sites.
User Agents (Devices & Browsers)
Display blocks only for devices such as iPhones, Andriod, Windows, Linux, or MacOS. You can also pick specific browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.
PHP Logic (Custom Conditions)
Display unique content based on PHP functions that are calculated as “TRUE” or “FALSE”. You can also add your own block conditions this way. Conditional Blocks make it easy to integrate with third-party plugins and setups.
Post ID’s
Great for reusable blocks and Full Site Editing. Display block-only pages that match or don’t match specific IDs.
Geolocation IP (Vistor location)
Visitor Country
Trigger WordPress content only for visitors IP located in specific countries.
More Geolocation coming..
We are currently researching detecting cities for Geolocation.
WooCommerce Cart Products
Control the visibility of blocks based on the WooCommerce products in the customer’s cart.
WooCommerce Customer Spent
Control the visibility of blocks based on the total value a customer has spent in your WooCommerce store.
WooCommerce Cart Total Value
Control the visibility of blocks based on the total value of the customer cart using WooCommerce.
WooCommerce Geolocation
Create unique WordPress content based on your customer’s physical location.
WooCommerce Product Categories in Cart
Control the visibility of blocks based on whether the products in the customer cart belong to specific categories.
WooCommerce Customer Recent Order
If your customer hasn’t made an order within the last week give them an incentive by creating unique content to get a repeat order.

Advanced Custom Fields
ACF Field Value
Use the field value from ACF to determine the visibility of WordPress content.
Meta Box
Meta Box Field Value
Use the field value from Meta Box to determine the visibility of WordPress content.
Easy Digital Downloads
EDD Products in Cart
Detect the products in the current Easy Digital Downloads cart.
EDD Products Purchased
Control content based on products that customers have previously ordered.
EDD Product Categories in Cart
Check the EDD cart for products belonging to specific categories.
EDD Cart Value
Create cart messages based on the current value of the customer cart.
Paid Memberships Pro
PMPro Membership Level
Create restricted content based on customers’ membership level with ease.
PMPro User Fields
Control content using the value of User Fields created in the PMPro plugin.
PP Active Membership Plan
Set content set content restrictions based on the membership plan in ProfilePress.
Ready to speed up your workflow?
Take control of WordPress content with powerful Conditional Blocks Pro