
View the latest changes in our Conditional Blocks & Conditional Blocks Pro plugins for WordPress.

Current Version 3.1.5

Download updates from your account.


3.1.5 - September 26th 2024

  • Restore conditional logic for HTML blocks

3.1.4 - September 16th 2024

  • New Geolocation Feature for detecting visitor countries  - Read More
  • Bypass conditions on HTML blocks.
  • Fixed links to documentation.

Want to see new conditions? Submit your ideas to our Feature Request section.

3.1.3 July 10th 2024

  • Change: Inside Query loops, post & meta related conditions will now target each post within the loop.
  • Change: The text on block actions to be more clear.
  • Fixed: PHP notice when Responsive Screen-sizes condition has no screen-sizes selected.
  • WordPress 6.6 Ready

3.1.2 - May 21st 2024

  • Fixed issue related to using metadata conditions with array values (Metadata, ACF, Metabox Conditions).
    Array values are now flattened during the condition check to align with the selected condition operator.

3.1.1 - April 5th 2024

  • NEW Metabox integration - Value of custom fields [PRO]


  • WordPress 6.5 Ready
  • Improved PHP 8.3 support (Fixed notices regarding explode())
  • Fixed User Meta condition when no meta data requires checking.
  • Improved the Post IDs condition
  • Improved the Query String condition
  • Minimum PHP version set to 7.4

3.1.0 - February 19th 2024

For a detailed overview of all updates, visit the full release post.

New Integrations [PRO Only]

Features & Changes:

  • Open from Toolbar: Quick access to Condition Builder from the toolbar.
  • Show only installed Integrations: Settings to display only conditions for installed plugins.
  • Reworked Query String Conditions: [PRO] Improved logic for block visibility with no query string.

UI & UX Improvements

  • Condition Builder UI: Better visual connection between "AND" logic conditions.
  • Active Condition Badges: Display full names of conditions.
  • Block Action Design: Updated wording and design.
  • Condition Icons: New icons for categories and integrations.
  • Search Performance: Enhanced search for post types or products.
  • Date Pickers & Mouse Pointers: Better visual separation and cursor accuracy.
  • Styling Consistency: Refined interface styling.
  • React Code Rewrite: Faster Condition Builder and editing.
  • Developer Mode: Persistent setting with block attribute display.

Custom Conditions API:

  • Developer Enhancements: More information, custom icons, and upcoming integration examples.

3.0.7 - 5th December 2023

  • Tested & Ready: WordPress 6.4
  • Tested & Ready: WooCommerce 8.4

3.0.6 - 12th August 2023

  • New: You can now easily rename Condition Presets - PRO
  • Fixed: Notices when using PHP 8.2.

3.0.5 - 12th August 2023

  • Ready and tested for WordPress 6.3
  • Fixed: Conditional Indicator on blocks in the WordPress Site Editor.
  • Fixed: Missing strings & Typo in translation files.

3.0.4 - 17th June 2023

  • Added: developer filter to exclude specific blocks from being used with Conditional Blocks.
  • Added: developer filter to disable Conditional Blocks in the Block Editor.

3.0.3 - 18th April 2023

  • Improved: Post Taxonomy & Terms condition now allow terms to be optionally choosen. This allows displaying blocks on content with specific taxonomies, and ANY terms. [PRO]

3.0.2 - 29th March 2023

  • Ready and tested for WordPress 6.2.
  • Ready for WordPress Site Editor.
  • Change: Requires minimum of PHP 7.
  • New: Allow the WooCommerce Cart Products condition to require 'all' or 'any' of the selected products [PRO].
  • New: Allow the Query String condition to trigger when a patterns are 'Not Present' [PRO].
  • Improvement: Conditionally remove the Conditional Blocks attributes on REST API requests where not needed.
  • Improvement: Refactored logic for detecting which version of Conditional Blocks a block was created with, this prevents edge cases during render.

3.0.1 - 1st November 2022

  • Ready and tested for WordPress 6.1
  • Fixed: Consistency for labels and help text for conditions fields with the Conditions API

3.0.0 - 27th October 2022

See all the details: Release post for Conditional Blocks v3

  • New: OR logic is now possible by creating multiple Condition Sets per block.
  • New: Integration API to register custom conditions. Custom Conditions are added directly to the Condition Builder. See our Developer Integration Guide.
  • Improved: UI has been refined.
  • Improved: Automatically a default condition to reduce clicks when opening the Condition Builder.
  • Tested: WooCommerce 7.0 Ready

2.6.0 (20 August 2022)

  • New: WooCommerce Customer Geo Location Condition (Pro)
  • New: WooCommerce Customer Recent Order Condition (Pro)
  • Improved: PHP Logic now shows all registered custom function within the Condition Builder. (Pro)
  • Improved: Increased the height and width of the Condition Builder for easier navigation.
  • Fixed: Typos.

2.5.5 (14 June 2022)

  • Improvement: Display the registered custom PHP Logic functions in the UI for ease of use.
  • Fixed: Bug with Post Meta Condition when using if/if not empty.

2.5.3 (26 May 2022)

  • Ready for WordPress 6.0 & Full Site Editing
  • Ready for WooCommerce 6.4

2.5.2 (11 October 2021)

  • New: You can choose the behavior when applying multiple presets to one block. "All presets must be met" or "Any preset must be met" for the block to display.

2.5.1 (21 September 2021)

  • Fixed: Newly added Date Range conditions will always use the current WordPress timezone, not the browser timezone.

2.5.0 (10 August 2021)

  • New: Post Type Condition - Change the block visibility based on the current Post Type being viewed.
  • New: Taxonomy Term conditions - Select the terms (aka categories) blocks should be visible on. Support custom taxonomies and post types.
  • New: Post Condition - Select blocks to display on induvial posts (support custom post types).
  • New: Archive - Change the visibility of blocks if the current page is an archive.
  • New: WooCommerce Products in Cart Condition: Change the visibility of block based on unique products in the customer cart.
  • New: WooCommerce Product Categories in Cart Condition: Change the visibility of blocks is products in the cart belong to specific product categories.
  • New: WooCommerce Customer Total Spend Condition: Change the visibility of blocks based on the total amount of money the customer has already spent in your store.
  • New: User Meta Condition: Change the visibility of blocks based on metadata (custom fields) for the current user.
  • Improved: Refined the "Conditional" indicator inside the Block Editor.

Read the full release notes.

2.4.2 (July 15, 2021)

  • Ready for WordPress 5.8

2.4.1 (July 4, 2021)

  • Fixed: Detection of Sunday in the Date Recurring Condition.

2.4.0 (July 2, 2021)

  • New: Lockdown Condition (Hide block for everyone).
  • New: Most conditions now have a selectable "Block Action" where you can choose if the block should be visible or hidden when the condition is met.
  • Improved: UI - easily select your options, the modal is now slimmer, match the current WordPress Admin UI colors.
  • Improved: Refactored condition checking.
  • Improved: Fully translatable.

2.3.2 (June 16, 2021)

  • New: Block Action for Query Strings. You can now indicate if the block should be shown or hidden if the query string matches. Block Actions will come to more Condition Types in later updates.
  • Improved: PHP Logic conditions now accept "!" at the start of each function. Using exclamations will indicate "not true".
  • Improved: PHP logic conditions now accept multiple parameters.
  • Fixed: Time Pickers for Date Conditions now work on Safari as well.


Internal release.

2.3.0 (May 21, 2021)

Release notes

  • New: WooCommerce Condition - Cart Value.
  • New: HTTP Cookie Condition.
  • New: Web Browser Conditions
  • Improved: Condition selector with "type to search".
  • Improved: Date conditions with a nice calendar.

2.2.0 (May 03, 2021)

  • New: URL Path condition. Show block based on the current URL path.

2.1.0 (April 12, 2021)

Read the release notes:

  • New: Recurring Date Condition - show block on a recurring day of the week and time frame.
  • New: 4 more operators for our Post Meta (Custom Fields) condition + improvements.


  • Improved performance by only including the CSS for responsive blocks on the pages they are used.


Complete rebuild of Conditional Blocks. Please read the release notes

  • Conditional Blocks 2.0 is a complete rebuild.
  • Existing users can safely update, old conditions will continue to work in the background. Editing blocks with old conditions will require clicking "Convert to 2.0 conditions", when opening the new Condition Builder.
  • Ready for WordPress 5.7 and Gutenberg 10.1


  • Fixed: Inner blocks conditions work as expected again.


  •  Ready and tested with WordPress 5.6
  • Improved compatibility with themes that could override CSS.


  • Tested: with GenerateBlocks
  •  Fixed: Added a fix to the issue where server-side rendered blocks would cause errors with Conditional Blocks.


  • Ready for WordPress 5.5


  • Added feature to modify the CSS breakpoints.
  • Updated date range conditions in Conditional Blocks Pro
  • Fixed issue where MomentJS could not be found in Conditional Blocks Pro


  • Ready and tested with WordPress 5.4
  • Pro: Fixed date conditions sometimes applying to new blocks when new dates are added.
  • Minor code improvements.
  • Tested with Gutenberg 7.7.1


  • Improved how device size conditions are handled across all blocks.
  • Fixed hiding on device sizes across could cause full-width blocks to be standard size.
  • Fixed Conditional Blocks highlighting for Gutenberg 7.4+
  • Fixed postmeta condition being skipped.
  • Fixed postmeta condition saving incorrectly on blocks.


  • Removed Freeemius and tracking.


  • New Date Range Conditions for Blocks in Pro! [Learn about Date Conditions](
  • Improved JS browers caching with file versions.
  • Improved code structure.
  • Fixed conflict with Yoast and other plugings which triggers Gutenberg by using React.


Initial Release of Conditional Blocks