What’s new in v2.5 – 8 New Features (Block Widgets + WooCommerce)

I’m excited to announce Conditional Blocks Pro version 2.5! The update brings 8 new visibility conditions for you to use with WordPress and WooCommerce.

Did you hear about Block Widgets in WordPress 5.8? Block Widgets allow you to use WordPress blocks in all widget areas such as sidebars and footer columns.

The exciting part is that Conditional Block is now more powerful when it comes to adding conditional content to your sidebars and other widget areas.

8 New features – Let’s dive in!

This is one of the larger updates to improve the overall experience for those who are early adaptors to WordPress themes that allow Block Widgets and Full Site Editing.

New features to narrow down the visibility of each content block:

UI Improvements

This time around, we refined the “Conditional” indicator and condition tags that are shown on each block that has condition rules.

The indicator now wraps around the whole block using the color of the current WordPress admin theme. The “Conditional” label is smaller and appears where it should be on different and nested blocks.

Complete rewrite of our documentation

I’m are super proud of our new documentation. We’ve rewritten every condition feature, included use cases, and included tips for advanced users. You should definitely have a look around, you might get some creative ideas for your site!

All documentation for the new features is already published.

What’s next?

We are creating a small community for Conditional Blocks users. Want to join?
